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  • 50-56-6
  • C43H66N12O12S2
  • 1007.19
  • Must be stored between 2-8 C.
  • Not a DOT controlled material (United States). This material is not classified dangerous good according to international transportatDOT UN number: UN2811 UN proper shipping name: Toxic solid, organic, n.o.s. (Oxytocin) Transport hazard class(es) Class 6.1 Subsidiary risk - Packing groupion regulations III

Caution: *REFRIGERATE* *TOXIC* - For Prescription Compounding/Rx Only

Warning: Must be subjected to further processing during the preparation of injectable dosage forms to ensure acceptable levels of bacterial endotoxins.

Test Specification
Assay >=400 Units/mg
Description White to nearly white shiny powder with a weak odourof Acetic acid; Protect from moisture.
Solubility Soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol and dilute solution of acetic acid.