What Is Pharmacy Compounding?

Pharmacy Compounding is the creation of a unique medical preparation or drug by a compounding pharmacist.

Opportunities for Patients

It all starts with a problem: the child who can’t swallow pills, the patient with a gluten allergy, the much-needed drug that’s in short supply. For whatever reason, many people aren’t served by mass-produced medications. A compounding pharmacy is able to provide a solution.

Compounding is very personal for patients, who know just how powerful personalized medicine can be.


Opportunities for Pharmacists

For pharmacies, compounding can become a profitable, even market changing addition to their business. It is also highly rewarding for compounding pharmacists and practitioners, helping them solve some of health care’s toughest challenges for their patients.

Special flavorings, unique dosage forms, innovative delivery methods – using these tools and more, compounding pharmacies fill a gap in health care through customized solutions for specific patient needs. Contact PCCA to learn more about adding this differentiating service to your pharmacy.