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Mark Gonzalez, PharmD, is a clinical compounding pharmacist at PCCA. He has five exciting and practical tips that can help a pharmacy end the year stronger than they began.


PCCA's Marketing Manager Sarah DeCarlo provides a cutting-edge list of exciting ways pharmacists and pharmacy owners can use the Shop Small® movement to market their pharmacies.


Bill Letendre, PCCA's Vice President of Pharmacy Management Systems (CPMS) discusses how building partnerships with other surrounding businesses in communities can be a powerful marketing tool for compounding pharmacies.


Mark discusses his personal experience with compounding for zoos. He sheds light on what it is like to work with zoos and why you and your pharmacy should consider doing business with them too.


Bryan Prescott discusses how the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020, an amendment to the previously passed Paycheck Protection Program, can provide move benefits and ease some restrictions for pharmacies during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Erin Michael provides some key takeaways from PCCA's 2020 Marketing and Sales Virtual Conference. She specifically outlines advice for pharmacists controlling what they can control during the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of social media, and how virtual meetings provide a fresh, often untapped opportunity.


Mark discusses the importance of pharmacies having follow-up programs and three myths that hinder pharmacies from having follow-up programs that provide patients with a positive experience.

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Bryan Prescott, Director of Management Coaching Services at PCCA, recently spoke on PCCA's The Mortar & Pestle podcast to provide pharmacies a series of steps they can take to sustaining revenue and managing expenses during the coronavirus outbreak.


On Monday, April 6, PCCA hosted a webinar about how pharmacies can manage communications and engage with media during the COVID-19 crisis. We've put together a list of highlights from that conversation that provide pharmacies a tool set to guide crisis communications during the pandemic.


In this guest post by Doug Hoey, CEO of the National Community Pharmacists Association, Doug discusses the CARES Act. The CARES Act provides important relief for small businesses with a Paycheck Protection Program, an Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, and SBA Loan Forbearance provisions. Doug provides a brief summary of each programs and how pharmacies can use CARES Act to endure financial hardships created by COVID-19.