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This Profile in Personalized Medicine highlights Doug Smith, Pharmacy Technician. He is a co-owner of Smith Rexall Compounding Pharmacy in Pleasant Grove, Utah, and Smith Rexall Compounding Pharmacy in Lehi, Utah. The Smith Rexall Compounding Pharmacies have been a proud PCCA member since 1999.
Due to pending USP updates that are effective on November 1, 2023, we’re reposting our January Blog, which reviews how a modular compounding cleanroom can meet evolving regulatory requirements and standards.
Get a glimpse of how you and your pharmacy can achieve growth and success in this prelude to International Seminar 2023.
Read how estrogen levels in men impact testosterone levels, the consequences of low testosterone and the potential ways compounding pharmacies can help.
This Profiles in Personalized Medicine highlights Steve Branch, RPh, and Cherise Kutac Branch, APRN, FNP-BC, FAAMM, owners of Central Drug Compounding & Wellness in Victoria, Texas. They have been proud PCCA members since 1988. Our 2023 profiles ask pharmacy compounders how they incorporate PCCA’s Principles into their pharmacies.
PCCA Clinical Compounding Pharmacist Deborah H. Clark examines the clinical presentations and available medications for feline atopic skin syndrome (FASS).
Multiple studies indicate some patients with COVID-19 infection may develop vertigo. Read how betahistine helped relieve symptoms of vertigo in these post-COVID patients.
Review the criteria for selecting an FDA-approved API to safeguard your patients and your compounding pharmacy.
Tim Hines, The Marketing Starter, provides a basic primer on what pharmacy compounding marketers should consider when using AI tools to market their pharmacies.
Read what we’re doing to ensure PCCA Formulas for compounding sterile preparations comply with USP Chapter 797 revisions.